
School News

The Teachers of Our School Donating Books to Our Reference Room
Created Time:2016-03-16     Hit:

        In March 16th, Tan Tianjian, a retired teacher of our school, donated more than 200 books to Reference Rooms. On the behalf of School of Foreign Language, Pro. Hu Zongfeng, dean of our school, accepted donations and expressed thanks to Pro. Tan. Before this, Tong Jing, a young former teacher of our school, had donated more than 200 books to Reference Rooms.
  Graduating from the Department of English Languages and Literature, Fudan University in 1960, Tan Tianjian transferred to the School of Foreign Languages, Northwest University as a teacher in 1982, and then became a professor in 1991. Pro. Tan mainly worked on English Teaching and Research, and also gave lectures on English Intensive Reading, English Extensive Reading, Oral English, The Background of Britain and America, Comprehensive English, English and American Poetry and so on. Pro. Tan has written many academic papers such as The Comparison of the Contemporary Poetry of China and America, and Pro. Tan’s main translations include English Short Lyric Poems (the first translator, Northwest University Press, 1986) and The Ancient Capital of Xi’an (People’s Fine Arts Press of Shanxi, 1990). Tong Jing elected to tech in our school after graduating as an postgraduate, and promoted as a lecturer in 2009. Tong Jing officially left our school in March, 2016.
  The donations of Tan Tianjian and Tong Jing, including foreign philosophy, fiction, poetry and prose, literary theory and biography, have enriched the professional book collection of our school.