
School News

The 2012 western university teacher American Studies Summer Seminar was opened in our university
Created Time:2012-07-02     Hit:

On the afternoon of July.1st, American Studies Summer Seminar, sponsored by the School of Foreign Languages of Nanjing University ​​and China Association for the Study of American Literature, supported by the School of Foreign Languages of Northwest University, was opened in the Taibai campus in our university. Professor Li Hao, the Vice-Chancellor of the university, attended the opening ceremony and addressed welcoming remarks. Professor Liu Haiping who is the president of China Association for the Study of American Literature, Professor Zhu Gang who is the Dean of the School of Foreign Languages of Nanjing University attended the ceremony and delivered speeches. The opening ceremony was chaired by Professor Cui Yaping, the Dean our school.

The Western China Teachers’ summer training program has a period of three years, is designed to promote the teaching and study of American Studies in China, to promote Sino-US cultural exchanges and cultivate qualified faculties of western China in the course of American literature, history, society and culture.

This is the second year of this program. More than 50 English teachers from 20 universities in western China will participate in the training program. Joel Pfister professor from Wesleyan University and Professor Steven Conn from Ohio State University will serve as the teacher in the training with a period of two weeks.