
School News

Headmaster Qiao Xueguang Made a Research in the SFL
Created Time:2010-03-23     Hit:

Qiao XueGuang made a research in the afternoon in March 22, companied by directors from the Personnel Department, the Teaching Affairs Office, the Dean's office and Social Science Department.


Cui Yaping(the Dean of the SFL),Wang Qiang (Secretary of the Party Pommittee)and other leaders made a report to Qiao XueGuang on the discipline construction, teachers construction, public foreign language teaching, scientific researches, students’ affairs and administrative management. Lei Zhongpeng, Wang Zhengbin, Liu Feng and Han Kaifeng gave a detailed explanation of the concerned issues.


After the report, Qiao Xueguang made an important speech. He said:" In recent years, we witnessed the efforts and achievements that the School of Foreign Languages has made.” He stressed that the foreign language is not only the professional course for SFL, but also the pubic basic course. It is an important step for promoting the level of graduate and post graduate by promoting the English level. We should pay much attention to it, refining the research direction and enhancing the professional level further. Teaching reform should be at the center of talents training. He pointed that unbalanced development should be with the need of the weak subjects.

Finally, He put forward the specific requirements to us on security and stableness, students’ employment.