
School News

SFL held a special work meeting for the spring semester of 2023
Created Time:2024-02-18     Hit:

On February 17, 2023, at 2:30 p.m., a special meeting for the spring semester of 2023 was held in the school’s conference room. The meeting was chaired by Dean Cao Ruonan, and attended by Vice Deans Li Mi and Su Rui, as well as the dean’s assistant and secretaries responsible for various functions.

During the meeting, Vice Dean Li Mi first briefly summarized the school’s plans, key focuses, and challenges for the spring semester of 2023, primarily covering aspects such as program development, daily teaching management, elective courses, and academic competitions. Vice Dean Su Rui provided a categorized description of relevant daily and priority research work, focusing mainly on project applications, outcome recognition, and expert lectures. Secretary for Foreign Affairs Chen Juan and Secretary for Graduate Studies Zhou Dan also gave brief reports on related foreign affairs and graduate student work arrangements, covering areas such as foreign teacher management, recruitment, inter-school cooperation, international exchanges, graduate defenses, admissions, and thesis reviews. Finally, Dean Cao Ruonan concluded by emphasizing six key areas of focus for the new semester, involving program development and balanced growth across all disciplines, fostering high-level academic achievements, building research teams, talent development, and awards for teaching and research. She expressed hope for solidarity and concerted efforts from all colleagues to forge a new development path for the school.